My First Offshore Trip to ExxonMobil field for Work: A Journey into the Deep Blue

Helicopter flying offshores

Embarking on my first offshore work trip to ExxonMobil production platform was an experience like no other: one that blended anticipation, adventure, and a fair amount of awe. From the moment I boarded the helicopter to the time I set foot on the platform, everything felt both thrilling and surreal.


Here’s a glimpse into my journey, challenges, and lessons learned during my inaugural offshore trip.

The Anticipation and Preparation

Some days before the trip, my mind was a whirlwind of excitement and nerves. Offshore work isn’t your everyday 9-to-5 job; it requires adapting to a unique environment that operates far from the comforts of home. Preparation was key. I ensured I had the required PPE and packed it with precision. It’s not just about what you take with you, but how prepared you are to handle the unexpected.

The Journey

Early hours of the morning, the adventure began, we headed to the helipad, and underwent the usual flight protocols; luggage, checked-ins, boarded, followed by a helicopter ride to the offshore platform. As the helicopter lifted off, I looked out over the vast expanse of ocean and felt a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. The helicopter ride itself was a thrilling experience: flying above the water, with the platform gradually coming into view as we approached.

The Arrival

Stepping onto the platform for the first time was amazing. The scale of the hydrocarbon facility, the buzzing activity, and the sheer isolation from the mainland made it clear that this was a world unto its own. The oil and gas production platform, with its intricate network of pipes, machinery, and living quarters, seemed almost like a self-sufficient city floating in the middle of the ocean.

Adapting to Offshore Life

Living and working offshore is a unique experience. The accommodations were functional and comfortable, though not luxurious. Life on the platform involves a daily routine that starts with breakfast as early as 5:00 AM followed by safety morning meeting then teams would be out into the plant for their work. Working offshore revolves around safety and efficiency. The work schedule can be intense, with long shifts and a focus on teamwork and communication.

One of the most striking aspects of offshore life is the sense of camaraderie among the crew. Living and working so closely together fosters a strong team spirit. We shared stories, supported each other through long shifts, and celebrated small victories.

Embracing the Challenges

The offshore environment presents its own set of challenges. Weather conditions can change rapidly, and the isolation from the mainland means that everything from medical emergencies to equipment malfunctions requires careful handling. Safety is paramount, and every task is approached with a keen awareness of the potential risks, and permits to work are carefully scrutinized before issued.

Despite the challenges, the experience was immensely rewarding. The opportunity to work on cutting-edge technology, contribute to major projects, and witness the scale of ExxonMobil’s operations up close was truly exhilarating. Each day brought new learning experiences and a deeper appreciation for the complexity and scale of offshore operations.


As I wrapped up my trip and boarded the helicopter back to the mainland, I couldn’t help but reflect on the incredible journey. My first offshore trip to ExxonMobil offshore field was more than just a work assignment—it was an immersive experience that expanded my horizons and deepened my respect for the industry.

For anyone preparing for their first offshore trip, my advice is to embrace the experience with an open mind and a readiness to adapt. The offshore environment can be challenging, but it also offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and learning.

In the end, it’s not just about the work you do, but the people you meet and the unique experiences you gain. My first offshore trip was a testament to the adventure and fulfilment that come with working in one of the most dynamic and challenging environments in the world.

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